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Neck Pain: Causes, Treatment & When to See a Spine Specialist?  

Neck Pain: Causes, Treatment & When to See a Spine Specialist?  

Dr. Garima Anandani, 4 years ago

Neck pain varies from mild discomfort to intense disabling pain in the cervical area and upper back which may go down the shoulders and arms. Neck pain is a rising concern among individuals that are dependent on technological advances like cell phones and laptops, restricted to a sedentary lifestyle, carry heavyweight at the shoulders, or do repetitive neck or upper body movement.

Neck Pain Causes

1. Disc desiccation:

As we age, the intervertebral discs gradually lose elasticity and hydration. This causes the discs to develop fissures and lose the disc height as they collapse. Although this is a normal degenerative process, it may or may not cause symptoms.


2. Disc herniation:

The biomechanical failure of the discs due to wear and tears causes the inner material of the disc to bulge out. This increases pressure over surrounding structures leading to pain and other symptoms.

3. Degeneration in facet joints:

The joints between the vertebrae undergo degenerative arthritis leading to inflammation and pain.

4. Degeneration in cartilage:

Reduction in disc space causes excess wearing of the cartilage, this leads to traction spurs in the spine

5. Bone spurs and osteophytes:

The continuous gradual degeneration in the musculoskeletal part of the spine causes bone spurs and osteophytes to develop to increase the weight-bearing surface of the vertebrae to compensate for the degeneration.

6. Wear and tears in the ligaments:

As we age, the ligaments around the spine undergo thickening and become stiff, this leads to narrowing of the spinal canal, adding excess pressure over the structures passing through the canal.

7. Canal Stenosis:

The degenerative changes that occur in the bones, discs, and ligaments lead to a decrease in the diameter of the spinal canal. This leads to decreased blood flow to the spinal structures.

Neck Pain Risk Factors

1. Occupation

Any occupation that causes repetitive strain over spinal structures, or involves continuous postures, vibration, bending, lifting, etc. for example – dentists, surgeons, cameramen, ophthalmologists and diamond merchants are at risk because their work involves repeated forward bending posture.

2. Age

Individuals over the age of 60 are more prone to have symptoms of cervical spondylosis or neck pain as the structures in the spine undergo wear and tear.

3. Incorrect use of technology or Text Neck

Incorrect and prolonged postures while using phones, laptops, and tablets are showing increased incidence among individuals seeking medical attention for neck pain. Even students are at risk during exam time due to long periods of looking into their books or laptop.

4. Heavyweight around the neck

Individuals that are required to carry heavy weight around their neck are at high risk of developing neck pain due to the regular excessive loading over the cervical spine.

5. Lifestyle

A lifestyle that causes repetitive strain over the structures in the spine can lead to spondylosis. Professions that require precision work and constant neck bending like teachers, dentists, jewellery makers, are at high risk of developing neck pain.

6. Trauma

Sudden injury to the spine or the surrounding areas accelerate changes relating to spondylosis.

7. Injury due to repetitive microtrauma

Routine activities the cause regular strain over the ligaments, cartilage, disc, and muscles lead to microtrauma and give rise to these changes.

8. Smoking

Chronic smoking reduces the blood supply to the spinal structures and makes them prone to developing neck pain, muscle strain and cervical damage.

9. Genetic predisposition

Genetics play an important role in predicting the likelihood of developing cervical spondylosis or neck pain

Neck Pain Signs and Symptoms

1. Pain radiating to arms and upper back

Pain at the neck and upper back that may sometimes radiate to either or both arms. This may also radiate to or be accompanied by headaches.

2. Loss of spinal mobility

Cervical spondylosis results in loss of mobility at the spine due to the overall structural changes in the spine.

3. Neck Pain accompanied by Headache

Neck pain may cause headaches which may be accompanied by nausea and/ or dizziness. Headache which worsens or gets better through movements or positions may be cervicogenic.

4. You experience Tingling

Pins and needles sensation may occur in either or both arms along the course of nerves passing down the arm from the neck.

5. You experience Numbness

Numb or cold sensation along the distribution of nerve is common when the pressure over the nerve increases at the neck.

6. Loss of sensation

Loss of sensation to touch, pain, pressure, and temperature may occur along the course of the nerve in the arm and wrist.

8. Loss of muscle strength

Loss of muscle strength, lack of strength in grip, inability to hold objects with the hand may occur when the pressure over nerves passing down the arms increases.

Red flags of when to see a surgeon

  1. Bone injury
  2. Whiplash
  3. Loss of balance
  4. Loss of bowel and bladder control

 Neck Pain Diagnosis and Investigation

  1. Imaging Tests like MRI & Xray
  2. Spine Function Test like Digital Spine Analysis
  3. Nerve Conduction Tests

Neck Pain Treatment


The crux of the treatment of conditions pertaining to the spine is an accurate diagnosis. One of the most effective methods in diagnosing the root cause is through mechanical loading strategies that employ directional preference. This phase may take 1 day to 2 weeks, according to the response received from the mechanical loading strategies employed.

A Spine Specialist carefully assesses the individual for evidence of directional preference through physical examination. The examination explores the structural and functional integrity of the spine. The results of the clinical examination are then weighed against diagnostic imaging if indicated.

When the patient is confirmed to have a directional preference, they are then classified into the integrated AI case grade algorithm built by Qi Spine experts. The treatment journey is then selected and customized according to the case grade prescribed.

The diagnosis is completed with the help of a spine function test called the Digital Spine Analysis. The muscles of the spine undergo functional movement assessment to evaluate the dynamic biomechanical stability of the spine. The AI-driven technology checks for parameters like strength, flexibility and dynamic balance of the muscles of the spine to give a comprehensive report of your spine’s current condition.

Pain Management

Pain management phase focuses on the management of the symptoms through an individualized approach that includes the following:

Spine Cell Repair Technology

Spine cell repair technology makes use of Frequency Specific Microcurrents to non-invasively reduce pain & inflammation without medication or injections. It precisely targets the treatment area and delivers low-frequency currents to the affected area to effectively accelerate the healing process at the cellular level.

Isolation Technology

Isolation Technology precisely targets weak areas identified through the spine function test to address the biomechanical fault. AI-driven technology effectively ensures optimal treatment through visual feedback. The technology is evidence-based, feedback-oriented, ensuring the best outcomes during each phase of the treatment for different spine conditions.

Medical Movements

The medical movements are a clinically individualized set of movements that are selected to bring lasting improvement in symptoms by offloading the biomechanical stress over the spinal structures.

Integrated Approach

An integrated approach through the use of neurodynamic solutions, mulligan therapy, and kinetic control to further manage nerve-related or muscle-originating symptoms.

Lifestyle and Ergonomic Modifications

A complete evaluation of posture and ergonomics is done by the Spine Specialists to reverse aggravation of symptoms due to poor lifestyle. The lifestyle and ergonomic modifications are individualized to bring consistent results through treatment.


Essential Learnings

An extensive part of the QI Spine treatment approach is anchored on patient education. The treatment is directed toward making individuals independent in terms of treating their own spine.

Precision Treatment


Targetted muscle activation

The muscles are actively engaged with adequate support throughout each movement. The body is secured to ensure correct movement pattern and controlled loading of the spine.


Neuromuscular coordination

The AI interface causes neuromuscular coordination to increase through optimized treatment protocols that are feedback-driven.

Imbalance Correction

The imbalance detected in the spine function test is addressed and actively rectified. The programs help in fine-tuning each movement and bringing optimal results through minimal effort.

Load Bearing Capacity

The load-bearing capacity is gradually improved by increasing muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and control.

Recovery of Function

Recovery of activities that had to be suspended temporarily is initiated once the individual is thoroughly prepared to meet the demands of those activities.


The accelerated re-generation of spine muscles is an active byproduct of optimized biomechanics through isolation technology and AI-guided interface.

Recurrence management

The treatment focuses on reducing the frequency of episodes of debilitating symptoms that cause functional disability.

Increased functional capacity

Increased capacity to engage in routine activities is done through goal-specific intervention.


The results obtained are targetted to be sustainable in the long term.


The functional capacity is made efficient to cater to more than the demand requirements of routine activities.


  1. Maintain correct posture and ergonomics
  2. Keep an active lifestyle
  3. Maintain optimal body weight
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Quit smoking

When to see a Spine Specialist Doctor?

  1. When you have neck pain that stays for more than two days
  2. When you have recurrent shoulder and upper back pain
  3. When you have pain, tingling, numbness going down the arm
  4. When your daily activities get slow or painful
  5. When you have recurrent episodes of neck pain that may or may not resolve on its own

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