QI Spine Blog

Maintaining a Good Posture at Work

Maintaining a Good Posture at Work

QI Spine Clinic, 1 year ago

Maintaining a good posture is definitely an important consideration whether you are at work, watching TV at home or playing sports. In fact, bad posture is one of the leading causes of back pain. It is linked to reduced productivity and missed days at work. A bad posture can put approx 100% to 300% pressure on spinal discs and cause herniated discs.

Maintaining a good posture at work is of great significance as it can curb back pain and help prevent common work-related injuries. Let’s address it in this blog post.

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What is Posture?

Posture is basically how you hold your body when standing, walking, sleeping or sitting, etc. Your spine has three natural curves i.e. at the neck, mid-back, and low back. If you are not moving at all, such as when sitting or standing, you are in a static posture. On the other hand, if you are running, walking, or bending, while ensuring the right posture, you enter into a dynamic posture where the spine takes a steeper curve to accommodate the said movement.

How Can Posture Affect Your Health?

A bad posture can have adverse effects on your health. If you are slumping or slouching over, it decreases your flexibility. It contributes to neck, shoulder, and back pain while leading to a misaligned musculoskeletal system. Bad posture can make it harder for you to breathe or digest well. It can also make your spine more susceptible to injury.

How to Maintain Good Posture at Work

Whether you are sitting or standing, a good posture can go a long way. Here are some instructions that you must follow.

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A Good Posture When Standing

  • Stand upright and tall. Do not slouch or hump your back forward.

  • Keep your head levelled.

  • Ensure your hands are stretched and hung down naturally.

  • Keep your feet shoulder-width to ensure there’s no excessive strain on the back.

A Good Posture When Sitting

  • Experts recommend switching sitting positions often without sticking to a specific position for an extended time.

  • Take a stroll and do some stretches in between to loosen the muscles and relieve muscle tension.

  • When sitting, ensure your feet are touching the floor. You can use a footrest too.

  • Never cross your legs when sitting.

  • Keep your elbows bent between 90 to 120 degrees and close to your body.

  • Next, ensure you have ample back support when sitting on a chair. You can use a pillow or backrest to get the support you need especially at the lower back.

Ergonomic Tips for a Healthy Spine

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As back pain is becoming more prevalent, you need to take certain steps to make your spine healthy and alleviate the pain with these tips.

Set Reminders

With work stress, it becomes easier to forget to take a break. Experts recommend taking breaks every now and then for strolling, stretching, and taking the load off the spine. This tip can save you hundreds and thousands of rupees in physiotherapy and the mental stress that accompanies chronic back pain.

Keep a Neutral Posture

Unlike the notion, your spine has three natural curves. Keeping this alignment intact and throughout from head to toe takes away the stress you might put on your spine. Getting to a neutral posture takes practice but once you can achieve it with healthier habits, supporting the back and avoiding hunching or slouching actually goes a long way than you might think.

Track Your Back and Neck Pain

It’s crucial to keep an eye on back and neck pain and to note down instances of soreness, stiffness, or ache residing in the neck, shoulders, or back. These symptoms can help you identify habits that might be adding to the pain and take appropriate actions to curb it.

Lift Properly

When you lift any object, lifting it improperly can cause back issues. To curb that situation from happening, it’s better to go closer to the object, tighten your stomach muscles and bend your knees when picking it up. Ensure that the object remains closer when you are carrying it to prevent lever motion. If the object in question is too heavy, it’s better to seek help from others or use mechanical devices to get the job done.

Try a Posture Corrector

Posture correctors can help strengthen the back giving you a better posture. These devices may be heavy but will get the job done. You can find some best posture correctors or seek professional help to get the best that suits your requirements.

Common Work-Related Injuries

Here are some work-related back injuries that may have resulted in severe pain ranging from dull to shooting and even excruciating pain.

  • Herniated Disc

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Lumbar Spine Injuries

  • Thoracic Spine Injuries

  • Neck sprain

  • Fractured vertebrae

  • Cervical radiculopathy

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Muscle strain, etc.

Wrapping Up!

A bad posture is a major contributing factor to back pain. We at Qi Spine Clinic have been attending to patients complaining about back pain. One of India’s first spine rehabilitation clinics, Qi Spine addresses all spine-related issues promising pain relief due to home, work, or other related back disorders and injuries. We use non-invasive methods to curb back pain. You can reach out to us at 086558 85566 to learn more.

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