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Chronic Back Pain & Treatment

Chronic Back Pain & Treatment

Dr. Garima Anandani, 4 years ago

Back pain is termed as chronic when it lasts more than 3 to 6 months. Chronic back pain is generally age-related but can also result from a previous injury. At times, it could be due to an underlying spine disorders such as slip disc, arthritis, spinal stenosis, or myofascial pain syndrome.

What are the treatment options for chronic back pain?

Chronic back pain treatment focuses on reducing back pain and improving functions. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact source of pain in chronic back pain, most of these patients can be managed with non-surgical methods. Non-surgical treatment includes methods such as lifestyle modification and taking proper precautions during daily activities, physical rehabilitation therapy, ice and heat application, and medications.

Lifestyle modifications for chronic back pain treatment

80% of us would have or will experience back pain in our lives. It certainly makes you feel miserable but have you ever thought that your lifestyle could be one of the factors contributing to chronic back pain? By making some positive changes in your lifestyle, you can reduce the chances of experiencing chronic back pain. Here are few steps that can help you with chronic back pain treatment.
  1. Skip or avoid footwear with high heels.
  2. Practice maintaining good posture while sitting.
  3. Use proper techniques and posture for lifting heavy objects.
  4. Quit smoking.
  5. Eat healthy to maintain ideal body weight.
  6. Be physically active and exercise regularly to keep your back muscles fit.
  7. Correct the way you sleep and also ensure you get enough sleep.

Exercises to relieve chronic back pain

When you are suffering from chronic back pain, you may not be willing to work out in the first place. But staying active and doing regular back and trunk exercises is an important part of your treatment. According to a 2018 American Journal of Epidemiology review, people who regularly exercise at 33% less likely to develop lower back pain. Here are some exercises that you will help you relieve chronic back pain and also strengthen your back.
  1. Abdominal strengthening
  2. Hamstring stretches
  3. Back extensions
  4. Pelvic tilts
  5. Knee rolls

Yoga Poses can help relieve chronic back pain

Yoga is a powerful healing technique that works best when practiced regularly. It is an effective method in the treatment of chronic back pain. Try these easy following yoga poses or asanas that can relieve you from chronic back pain.
  1. Palm Tree Pose: It gives a good stretch to the arms, chest, abdomen, spine and legs.
  2. Extended Triangle Pose: It helps in stretching your spine, hips and groin and strengthens your shoulders, chest and legs.
  3. Cobra Pose: This pose stretches your abdomen, chest and shoulders. It also helps in strengthening your spine.
  4. Cat Cow Pose: This pose helps in stretching your torso, shoulders and neck.
  5. Child Pose: It is an active stretch which elongates your back

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