QI Spine Blog

Middle Back Pain Causes

Middle Back Pain Causes

Dr. Garima Anandani, 4 years ago

Understanding Middle Back Pain

Our spine is divided in to 3 parts – the upper back i.e. cervical spine, the middle back i.e. thoracic spine and the lower back i.e. the lumbar spine. The thoracic spine or middle back starts at the base of the neck and extends to the middle of the trunk. This is the area where one may experience pain i.e. the middle back pain which may be acute or chronic. One should not ignore middle back pain as internal organs are present inside the rib cage and any pain that doesn’t settle shouldn’t be taken lightly.  

What are the causes of middle back pain?

Usually, people complain of lower or upper back pain as they fail to identify middle back pain and hence forget to mention middle back pain or often mistake it to be for lower back pain. There are 12 spinal disks, several vertebrae (T1 to T12), many muscles and ligaments in this part. If any of these is damaged or becomes irritated then it may lead to back pain. Middle back pain can be caused due to the following factors-  

Know the symptoms of middle back pain

Middle back pain is quite common but difficult to locate. The pain may be sharp, dull, constant or sudden which makes it hard to move around. You should check out for the signs and symptoms that leads to middle back pain. Prompt diagnosis and treatment will help you control its symptoms. The symptoms and the intensity of mid back pain generally depends on the cause of your pain. Below are some common symptoms of middle back pain –
  • Muscle aches
  • Dull ache
  • Burning sensation
  • Sharp or stabbing pain
  • Muscle tightness or stiffness
Few serious symptoms might include tingling or numbness in legs, arms or chest, chest pain, weakness in legs or arms, loss of bowel or bladder control. If these severe symptoms occur, then it requires prompt medical action.  

How middle back pain is diagnosed?

It is necessary to make a correct diagnosis for treating mid back pain. Your doctor might do a thorough physical checkup and may also run a few tests such as X ray, CT scan, etc. You will be asked about your medical history. DSA helps in accurate diagnosis. After the correct diagnosis, proper treatments can help you get relief from mid backache. Do keep a track of your symptoms, note down what triggers your pain and what aggravates it; it will aid you in better diagnosis and treatment.  

What are the home relief options for middle back pain?

You can do many things at home to strengthen your back muscles, thereby protect your spine and prevent mid back pain. Some ways to relieve yourself from middle back pain are –
  • Applying ice to that area first and then apply heat
  • Over-the-counter pain medicines
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Improve your posture to ease the pain
  • If you work on a desk for a long time, adjust your chair and laptop height to enable good posture
  • Avoid slouching
  • Change your sleeping position

How can I prevent middle back pain?

Middle back pain is not as common as lower back pain or neck pain. It is quite tricky and several people may never be able to find the root cause of it. You can prevent middle back pain by making some good changes and implementing healthy habits in your daily life.
  • You should practice good posture. Stand or sit erect, don’t slump or slouch
  • Practice deep breathing and relaxation exercises
  • You can start doing yoga
  • Use a heating pad or ice pack
  • Use right techniques while playing sports
  • Sleep in a proper position to avoid risks of misaligning your spine
  • Stay active and follow a healthy diet
  • While lifting heavy items, use proper form
  • Don’t sit for too long and check your posture too when sitting
  • Try doing low-impact activities include walking, swimming, stair climbing, etc

Middle Right Back Pain

At times, you might be facing excruciating back pain only at one side but can’t figure out what’s causing it? Mid back pain right side may arise from your mid back, abdominal or pelvic area, muscle strain or injury, vertebrae fracture, pressure on spinal nerves or myofascial pain. The common signs of middle right back pain are a dull or sharp pain, muscle tightness, fatigue, headache, etc. It can also be caused due to more serious conditions such as fibromyalgia, scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylitis or a herniated disc. Middle back pain can occur at any age and the risk factors are age, congenital disorders, family history, obesity, pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and weak muscles. Your doctor will check your medical history, symptoms, nature of work and carry out a physical examination. And might also ask you to carry out imaging tests to find out if you have a broken bone or herniated disc. Mostly, you can manage middle right back pain at home with the help of over-the-counter medicines, hot/cold therapy, exercises. But if your pain worsens or is more severe, you must contact your healthcare provider immediately.

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