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Physiotherapy Treatment For Back Pain

Physiotherapy Treatment For Back Pain

QI Spine Clinic, 3 years ago

Lower back pain or back pain is quite common in adults. The discomfort caused due to back pain can become chronic in nature and lead to difficulty in performing day to day activities. Most cases of low back pain arise from strain or sprain due to overuse, unaccustomed activity, excessive lifting, trauma, degenerative changes, poor posture, etc. It is very important to identify your problem and get it treated on time before it becomes chronic and leads to disability.

Physical Therapy and Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is an increasing problem all over the world and affects 60-80% of people throughout their lifetime. Primary conservative treatment preferences include manual therapy, exercises, and heat therapy. Physical Therapy is one of the back pain treatment options that help to improve the movement and function of your joints and muscles. Physiotherapy can help to reduce back pain and also get your back to normal mobility.

Why should I opt for physiotherapy treatment for back pain?

Physical Therapy is quite useful in treating lower back pain. A physiotherapist shall focus on restoring movement and function to your whole spine. Early treatment is the key to reduce your back pain and restoring full activity. One needs a treatment that focuses on exercise, mechanics, and posture; which will improve symptoms quickly and also reduce the chances of recurrences. The best solution for back pain treatment includes medical movements, exercises, and progressive strengthening exercises. The goal of physiotherapy is to reduce back pain, restore function, and educate the patient to prevent future recurrence.

Physical Therapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain


Lie on your back with your knees bowed and your feet touching the floor. Raise your hips, keeping your back in a straight line with your knees and shoulders. Hold the position for six seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times.

Knee to Chest

Lying in the same position as bridge, put your feet flat on the floor. Bring your right knee to your chest while keeping your left on the floor. Hold it for 15 to 20 seconds prior to letting it back down. Repeat with the left leg. Perform 3 to 5 reps of the exercise with each leg.

Press Up Back Extensions

Turn over to your stomach and place your elbows directly under your shoulders and your hand’s falt on the ground. Push down on your hands and lift your shoulders away from the floor. Hold firm on this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times.  

Bird Bog

Get on your hands and knees with both shoulder and hip-width apart. Keep your back straight and your stomach muscles tight. Lift your right leg, extend it straight behind you and hold for 5 seconds prior to dropping it down. Repeat exercise on the opposite side. Do 5 to 10 repetitions with each leg.

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