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Slip Disc

Slip Disc

Dr. Garima Anandani, 5 years ago

A slipped disc is a condition of the spine which occurs when the outer layer of the disc is ruptured and results in the gel inside to bulge and protrude out. To understand Slipped Disc it is important to know the anatomy of the spine. The spine column consists of 24 articulating vertebrae which are stacked on top of each other. Between each of these vertebrae, there is circular shaped structure called inter-vertebral discs. These discs are made up of connective tissue and have a tough, fibrous outer case and a soft inner gelatinous substance. These discs act as shock absorbers for the stresses placed on the spine during various vertebral movements. Degeneration or injury due to abnormal stresses to these intervertebral discs causes pain in the back leading to a Disc Herniation or slipped disc. With every spinal movement these discs compress and expand. This action helps absorb nutrients by a process known as osmosis, and keep the discs healthy. However, due to a sedentary lifestyle, movement of spine becomes restricted and not enough nutrients are absorbed by the discs. Thus, the discs become dry and become weak, making them more likely to rupture and lead to a Slipped Disc. A damaged disc can put pressure on the whole spinal cord or on a single nerve root.

Slipped Disc Causes:

  • Age: Studies has shown that an advancing age is the prime cause. This problem occurs when the connective tissues endure a breakdown
  • rauma: Abnormal stresses on the spinal column and discs due to sudden twisting and turning movements.
  • Accident: An accident can cause direct or indirect injury to the spinal column.
  • Smoking: Smoking is directly related to lower back problems. The spinal discs may be restricted from the process of absorbing nutrients that help keep it hydrated.
  • Overweight: Obesity could put excessive strain on the spine thus affecting the muscle agility.
  • Excessive workout at the gym or using heavy weight can also cause disc problem.

Slipped Disc Symptoms:

  • Pain while sneezing, coughing or walking.
  • Weakness in the lower part of the body. (leg/legs)
  • Pain in the back and neck which might radiate down to the legs or arms causing a tingling sensation. Numbness in the affected areas.
  • Back pain that is chronic when you are resting as compared to when you are mobile.


A Conservative treatment approach to treat Disc problem is the first step to recovery. It may include medication, rest, physical therapy, home exercises, hydrotherapy, epidural steroid injections (ESI). With a specific and effective treatment approach, 80% of people suffering with back pain can return to normal activity in 6 weeks. Self-Care: The pain caused due to a slipped disc gets better within a couple days and resolves completely within 4 to 6 weeks. Restricting your activity, ice/heat therapy, and taking over the counter medications will help your recovery. However, if the pain does not ease in 2-3 weeks please contact our Spine Consultants. Qi Spine Clinic has treated over 17,000 patients with back ailments with a success rate of 91%. Qi Spine Clinic India’s first and only healthcare offering that exclusively focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of spine related problems. Clinic Locations: Currently we have 19 clinics across India in Mumbai, Delhi & Pune Contact Us: +91 8655885566/ +91 7827907070 To learn more, please visit qispineclinic.com

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